Entries will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. Your entry is not accepted until payment is received.
In the event you cannot attend and notice is given prior to April 1st, $100 is refundable.
First NameLast NameE-mail addressAddressCityProvince / StatePostal CodePhone numberYears of Experience
Current Levels Worked (Check all that apply)
Men's Shirt Size
Payment Options
eTransfer to nextlevelcamp@shaw.ca
Cheque - payable to Karen Lasuik - mail to 9148-142 Street NW, Edmonton, AB T5R 0M7
EBOA Membership Deduction - contact Leo Mangano at treasurer.eboa@gmail.com
DateI agree to not hold Next Level Officials Camp personnel and any other party affiliated with the camp from liability arising out of my participation in any camp activities. I affirm that I am of sound physical condition appropriate to the demands of basketball officiating. Submit